Bermaz Motor hosted 9th Mazda Charity Golf Tournament raised RM 800,000.00  for Mazda Medicare Fund

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October 30th,2023 Kuala Lumpur –The 9th Mazda Charity Golf Tournament hosted by Bermaz Motor has raised about RM 800,000.00 for Mazda Medicare Fund (MMF),thanks to the support of generous golfers, donors and sponsors.

The charity tournament was held at the Glenmarie Golf & Country Club in Shah Alam with 184 participants .

Mazda Medicare Fund aims to provide humanitarian aid and medical relief to underprivileged people in Malaysia and has been actively supporting charitable communities such as old folk’s homes and orphanages through financial aid and charity events.

Representatives from the various beneficiaries from Penang Mount Miriam Cancer Hospital TKPKMM (Tabung Kebajikan Penyakit Kanser Mount Mariam), Pertubuhan Rumah Anak Yatim Berkat Kasih (House of Love) and Pertubahan Baitul Mahabbah were presence to received their mock cheques.

Bermaz Motor hosted its 9th Mazda Charity Golf Tournament for Mazda Medicare Fund (MMF). Mazda Medicare Fund aims to provide humanitarian aid and medical relief to underprivileged people in Malaysia and has been actively supporting charitable communities such as old folk’s homes and orphanages through financial aid and charity events.

The MMF was established in 2015, jointly managed by Prima Merdu Sdn Bhd and in collaboration with B. Braun Avitum Renal Services to provide life-saving haemodialysis treatment for end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients with financial constraints. To date, there are 13 B. Braun’s dialysis centres operating nationwide and eligible patients would receive subsidized haemodialysis treatments. Over the past 7 years, the MMF has contributed a total of RM 5 million which have supported B. Braun Dialysis Centre and charity homes throughout Malaysia. 

On top of that, MMF has also supported a dozen various charitable communities such as old folk’s homes, orphanages, people with disabilities and down syndrome children through financial aid and charity events. Charitable communities are carefully selected and vetted by the MMF Team to ensure that all donations at the charitable communities are put to good use. The MMF Team consists of volunteers within the Bermaz organization; therefore, there are no additional costs involved in MMF’s operations. This allows all donations received to go where it matters – to those in need. 

In addition, Mazda Privilege Card was introduced in 2018 whereby the applicant’s sign-up fees or RM100.00 will serve as a donation to MMF. Mazda Owners will not only be supporting and assisting the underprivileged but will get to enjoy tax exemption from Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN)

The introduction of MPC has been well received with heart-warming support for its noble cause. Aside from contributing to the society, owners of the MPC can also enjoy a 15% discount on selected Mazda genuine spare parts, along with a 5% discount on labour charges which is applicable at Mazda Showroom and Service Centres operated by Bermaz Motor and Prima Merdu only. Donations to the MMF have since continued to increase rapidly thanks to the generous contributions of social responsibility-conscious Mazda Owners who continue to engage with Bermaz Motor through various charitable programmes.

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